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smoke concentration中文是什么意思

用"smoke concentration"造句"smoke concentration"怎么读"smoke concentration" in a sentence


  • 烟幕
  • 烟浓度


  • It is not permissible to manufacture , market , or import boilers that fail to conform with the smoke concentration and blackness standards as referred to under paragraph one of this article
  • It is mandatory for boiler manufacturers to state the standards of smoke concentration and blackness affected during initial discharge of their boilers on the latter ' s data plates , or in the latter ' s product manuals
  • Prior to the establishment of a new boiler product , the standards of smoke concentration and blackness for its initial discharge , and data on their testing should be filed with environmental protection authorities of cities under the jurisdiction of provincial people ' s governments
  • In this model , the most essential hypotheses were brought forward : the room in the building is a node neglecting its ’ volume ; smoke mix with air in a very short term , the temperature and the smoke concentration are well - proportioned in the room . therefore , the net - model can only apply to the special building : there is little discrepancy in room volume
用"smoke concentration"造句  
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